What is happiness?
We all know the feeling of being
happy. Yet happiness is difficult to define. It is a very personal
experience and can have a vast variety of causes. It can be temporary or it can
last forever.
Temporary happiness may be the result of many things—getting a compliment, a new gadget, or a promotion. Our delight may last for a few minutes or a few days, but then it will fade away.
Long lasting happiness is rarely the result of an
external cause. It springs from a positive inner state of mind. It is ingrained
into our attitude and thinking, no matter what the external circumstances. It’s
part of us. It’s not a momentary thrill, but a permanent feeling of deep
Some say that a happy, positive attitude may be genetic.
It can also be acquired—either by observing and imitating it while growing up.
Or by acquiring it as an adult when we realize that life is a precious gift
that needs to be accepted with gratitude.
Most people want to be happy, unless they are struggling
for survival or involved in war. Yet few people realize that happiness is
within their reach.
Long lasting happiness appears to be based on three basic
attitudes—being content with what we have, accepting what we cannot change, and
being grateful to be alive.
The very simplicity of happiness may make it so elusive.
Advertisers provoke a constant stream of desires—for the latest
fashion, a fancier iPhone, a bigger entertainment center. The list is endless.
We live in a highly competitive society where contentment may even be frowned upon. Ads keep clamoring for our
attention—buy, hurry, compete!
Competition, actually, can be a good thing—not necessarily
competing against others, but competing against oneself, such as living up to
our potential, to do our best, to improve ourselves, to keep learning.
Happiness is bound to crown these efforts.
On the other end of the scale are sundry human emotions
that destroy all sparks of happiness. Among them are jealousy, insatiable
desire, feelings of hate and anger, and the desire for revenge. These passions
are the very antithesis of happiness.
Some two thousand years ago, a Greek slave, Epictetus, heard
someone talk about philosophy. He was still a child, but he took courage and
asked his master if he could study this intriguing subject. He got his master’s
permission and did so.
The young slave learned eagerly, and gained wisdom and
respectability, and eventually was freed. Though severely crippled, Epictetus
lived a happy and simple life while teaching his favorite subject.
He strongly believed that external events are not
within our control. We must calmly accept
them, he urged. Unhappiness results when we try to control what is
uncontrollable. And when we neglect to control what we can and should.
Here is one of Epictetus’ maxims written in the first
century A.D. that expresses well his philosophy of achieving happiness:
Conduct me, Zeus,
and thou, O Destiny,
Wherever thy decree has fixed my lot.
I follow willingly; and, did I not,
Wicked and wretched would I follow still.
Wherever thy decree has fixed my lot.
I follow willingly; and, did I not,
Wicked and wretched would I follow still.
Not many mortals reach a perfect state of inner
happiness. But we can get ever closer to reaching long lasting happiness, and get
better at warding off unwarranted unhappiness.
Until next time,